
Mindfulness and correct knowledge

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Mindfulness and correct knowledge make us more wise.

This can only happen when we erase from our subconscious mind some old, traditional standard beliefs that we have been filling it up with since so many years.

Once our subconscious mind is empty of all the traditional beliefs, now we can feed it with correct, reliable and healthy data which is good for us ( our mind and body) as well as for others around us. This not only increases our knowledge but also allows us to use it in the most appropriate way.

Now knowledge of any particular thing has to be complete in order to have faith in it. Partial knowledge always keeps us in doubt. Also knowledge about both good and bad is essential ( ie knowledge about both nutritious food and the unhealthy food ).

Only when we know the harmful effects of what's bad for us, we will appreciate what's good for us. Only when we accept and appreciate what's good for us, we will tend to follow it with our heart.

When both Conscious and Subconscious mind walk on the same path of correct knowledge and wisdom, then it becomes easy to overcome obstacles and the right things are achieved with the negative things being kept at bay.

Here we consider today's scenario, where most of the people specially of young and middle age groups are getting affected with so many diseases the commonest being obesity, allergies, infertility etc.

The main reason for this is the lifestyle and the processed/ junk food which are becoming more and more popular.

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