Homoeopathy is one of the most efficient system of natural medicine which seeks to assist nature and body’s own healing energies rather than overriding them.

Another tenet of Homoeopathic philosophy is that it emphasizes on the fact that every person is different… that is individuality. The same remedy, the same diet, the same advice does not necessarily help everyone with the same ailment. This makes Homoeopathy the most flexible system of remedy prescribing in any system of therapeutics

In Homoeopathy, the most effective remedy is always the one that matches all the three dimensions of the person that is the Body-Mind-Soul by considering symptoms at all the levels.

The symptoms noted in this way, represent the inner feelings of the person, his special traits and his uniqueness.

As the Homoeopathic remedy is purely constitutional based considering the wholeness of the person, it covers all stages and is both preventive in the initial stages of the disease and also curative when it is developed into a full-fledged disease thereby having ability to abort most of the diseases.

Our aim at NIDHIVAN is to help you get rid of any/all sorts of not-so-healthy conditions through this beautiful system of medicine coupled with other inner healing techniques

Our Life wheel,Emotional wheel and the Spiritual wheel modules at the level of Body-Mind-Soul respectively, form the uniqueness of our therapy towards permanent restoration of health.

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