Many years of experience and education have been dedicated to design, conceptualize and implement the philosophy of Inner Healing Therapy at Nidhivan.

Our Philosophy rests on the foundation of oneness of Body, Mind and Soul.

We strongly believe in the Body-Mind-Soul connection.

Complete and permanent Healing and a feeling of personal wellness occurs only when Body, Mind and Soul are in a state of balance.

Physical symptoms for which people seek medical advice are merely messages from your body conveying to you that something is going wrong and it needs attention.

These subtle signals by the body need to be addressed by awareness, feeding yourself with mindful thoughts and conscious positive actions and interventions.

At NIDHIVAN, our aim is to promote health, prevent illness and help raise this awareness of disease in our lives rather than merely managing symptoms. This includes modification of contributing factors thereby enhancing patient’s life-systems to optimize future well-being.

The treatment plans we develop are tailored and customized for each patient and the therapeutic methods we employ empowers the patients to make meaningful changes in their own lives, as well as the lives of those around them.

Health and wellness package including Life wheel,Emotional wheel and Spiritual wheel to promote healing at the level of Body, Mind and Soul respectively

When we are in alignment, we:

Are happy from within

Experience joy in all our actions

See and treat others with love and respect

Treat ourselves and our bodies with love and respect

Live with a sense of purpose and righteousness.

It is of paramount importance that equal emphasis be given to all three aspects that is the Body, Mind and Soul for the treatment of any kind of disease....


Derangement at body level are the most common reasons for which people generally need medical assistance. When something happens to the body , you want it fixed as it hinders smooth functioning of daily activity.

The idea is of having a healthy physical body which is considered to be the foundation of health in physical world.

Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal. It is one of the most important bodily functions

Our bodies can heal almost anything. When they don’t, it often isn’t because the disease is too powerful. The problem is that the body’s own healing mechanism is impaired. The best approach is to restore this natural mechanism.


The next level is the mind, which is the interactive mechanism between the body and soul. The mind registers and filters the emotion which are the language of the soul and nerve impulses which are generated by the body.

When the mind is functioning in an efficient and ideal way, it is self-aware, focused and calm .

In order to balance the Body, Mind and Soul, we need to focus on the mind and what it needs to have a positive influence on our state of being.

Hence it is necessary to achieve the following:

  • Develop your level of self-awareness of your personality
  • Focus your mind only on subjects that benefit you and others with a positive impact.
  • Learn to quieten the mind at will.

The mind consists of mental states such as thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes, and images. We need to have full control over these.

We are not victims of our past. In fact we are powerful beings, capable of choice and change.

Proper use of mind and intellect are very important for our health.

Many a times, we have emotional reactions to situations without being aware of why we are reacting. Each mental state has a physiology associated with it—a positive or negative effect felt in the physical body and same is true the other way. Every time we are stressed or have anxiety or fear, we are affected in some way at the physical level.


The soul is ultimately responsible for giving the body its life force. In subtle ways, it guides and directs our behaviour and actions in the physical form.

Derangement at the level of soul expresses in the form of diseases such as indifference, lack of purpose, intellectual pride and dogmatism, skepticism, contentment with the material side of existence, and ignorance of the laws of life and of man's own divinity.

Various methods of concentration and meditation play an important role, but the Self-Realization methods are the most effective. Applying in your daily life the experiences of peace and poise, lead to better and effective concentration and meditation. It is necessary to maintain your equilibrium amidst trying circumstances. One should not abandon himself to violent emotions; rather stand unshaken by adverse turns of events

Our Unique and integrative techniques are aimed to bring about harmony at the level of Body, Mind and Soul in the following manner.

(How we need to go about)
(Our ultimate Goal)
  • Homoeopathic treatment
  • Life-Wheel-Model
  • Physically healthy state.
  • Permanent cure of any kind of illness
  • Preventive measures for future good health
  • Emotional-Wheel-Model
  • Practise Mindfulness
  • Unleashing truth
  • Self-Empowerment
  • Positive beliefs
  • Positive Values
  • Improved Concentration and better Focus
  • Mental toughness
  • Fearlessness
  • Spiritual-Wheel-Model
  • Life perspective
  • Elevate Consciousness
  • Self-Transformation
  • Clear Values
  • Clear Conscience
  • Clear Purpose
  • Clear Vision of life

Therapies at Nidhivan

Based on this Body-Mind-Soul approach,a variety of treatment techniques are considered based on the individuality of the person to assist them take their responsibility for their own well-being and achieve optimal health.

These include:

At the level of Body

1 - Homeopathic remedies which maintain the emotional, mental, physiological, and immune reactions of the person to guarantee long-lasting and permanent help.

2 - Facilitated Physical detox

3 - Herbal and Essential oil therapy

4 - Patient education on Lifestyle changes and self-care to promote wellness.

5 - Customized Diet advice

6 - Customized Exercise and Yoga

At the level of Mind

1 - Facilitated Emotional Detox

2 - Individual Psychotherapy

3 - Mind healing therapies. (Mind Imagery and visualization)

4 - Motivational Enhancement therapies

5 - Empowerment Counselling.

6 - Relationship and Family integrated Counselling sessions.

7 - Art therapy

8 - Music therapy and Sound therapy

At the level of Soul

1 - Facilitated Spiritual Detox

2 - Meditation

3 - Identifying the imbalance and healing at the level of the Chakra

4 - Energy healing

After-care maintenance and guidance once the goal is achieved.

The aim is to gain proper balance in life by achieving a permanent healing at the level of Body Mind and Soul.

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