Detoxification is about cleansing, resting and nourishing the body from the inside out. It is done by removing and eliminating toxins and then feeding your body with healthy nutrients. Detoxifying can help as an initial method in the treatment of a disease, or just to enhance and renew your ability to maintain optimum health.

It helps fight the toxic build-up in our body, thereby enabling our organs to function better and eventually help us with our fitness goals.

Following a prescribed detox not only boosts your immune system, but it also helps in absorbing the nutrients better.

At NIDHIVAN, every detox program we create is customized for each client after an in-depth analysis and assessment of your current physical and psychological conditions .

We consider the needs of the whole person—mind, body and spirit. Our goal isn’t just to get you detoxified, instead, we pursue the complete healing, restoration and recovery of each person with detoxification being the first step in our approach towards a complete cure.

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