Sound Therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing.

A sound therapy treatment is both a passive and participatory experience. The passive aspect is that you become more relaxed by laying down and slowing your breath. By doing this, you prepare yourself to become the receiver of sound. It's in this place of stillness that you participate by becoming more open and aware of each sound that comes in.

Sound helps create the pathway to this place of stillness the same as a mantra helps you to arrive at the still point of meditation.

Some of the tools I use are voice, drumming, tuning forks and Himalayan singing bowls.

Healing with sound can improve or cure many ailments including:



Learning disabilities

Anxiety disorder




It can also bring about:

Clarity and balance


Improved memory and concentration

Improved sleep

A stronger immune system

Improved creativity

Heightened awareness, both of the self and the environment

Our body, mind and spirit always want to be moving in a direction toward balance, yet we often have too much outer stimulus and noise and not enough time to dedicate to ourselves, which can prevent us from achieving a better state of harmony. At NIDHIVAN, we use the therapeutic benefits of Divine Sound to help us get to the source of this inner peace we all desire.

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