Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome also called as Stein Leventhal Syndrome is a fairly common disease that occurs in women who are at a reproductive age;

It is a hormonal condition that affects approximately 5- 10% of women in their childbearing ages (12 to 45-years). While the prevalence of PCOD differs, it affects around 9% to 22% of Indian women.


The exact physical cause of PCOD is not known. Factors that might play a role include:

Low-grade inflammation. This term is used to describe white blood cells' production of substances to fight infection. Women with PCOD have a type of low-grade inflammation that stimulates polycystic ovaries to produce androgens, which can lead to heart and blood vessel problems.

Excess insulin. Insulin is the hormone produced in the pancreas that allows cells to use sugar, your body's primary energy supply. If your cells become resistant to the action of insulin, then your blood sugar levels can rise and your body might produce more insulin. Excess insulin might increase androgen production, causing difficulty with ovulation.

Heredity. Research suggests that certain genes might be linked to PCOD.

Excess androgen. The ovaries produce abnormally high levels of androgen, resulting in hirsutism and acne.


Infertility: PCOD negatively impacts on fertility as women with PCOD do not ovulate on a particular date, or release an egg may delay each month due to the high production of estrogen by the ovaries.

Irregular periods: This is the most common symptom caused by PCOD. The women suffering from PCOD have hormonal imbalances by which you will be having irregular periods

Excessive facial and body hair: Excessive growth of hair on the face, also called Hirsutism, is a medical disorder associated with hormones called androgens. In women with PCOD, ovaries produce excessive amounts of androgens hormones, so that is the reason why women suffer from Hirsutism.

Mood swings: Due to hormonal Imbalance there can be mood fluctuations.

Depression: Due to hormonal Imbalance most of the PCOD women feel depressed. And will be in depression.

Weight-gain: PCOS women have High insulin levels production, and male hormone androgen, which leads to weight gain that is the reason why women with PCOD has abdomen like men apple shape, instead of pear shape

Diabetes: there is a link between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and type-2 diabetes mellitus, because that insulin resistance, play a role in the cause of PCOS and produces high levels of insulin by the pancreas which cause diabetes.

Acne: Due to hormonal imbalance caused by PCOD, acne growths are seen due to hormonal side effects

Oily skin: Due to Excessive hormone levels skin becomes oily and produces Acne on face

Heart trouble: Women with PCOD are at higher risk of heart and risk increases with age.


Complications of PCOD may include:

• Miscarriage or premature birth

• Infertility - Irregular ovulation naturally causes difficulty in getting pregnant and PCOD is a leading cause of infertility among women.

• Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure

• Metabolic syndrome - more than eighty percent of women with PCOD are overweight; this coupled with PCOD leads to higher blood sugar and blood pressure, lower HDL and higher LDL: all these factors together are called metabolic syndrome. The chances of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and stroke are higher due to these.

• Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes

• Sleep apnoea

• Depression, anxiety and eating disorders - fluctuations in hormonal levels or hormonal changes play a role in dulling mood and mental being, causing negative feelings, anxiety and depression.

• Abnormal uterine bleeding

• Endometrial Cancer: the uterine lining doesn't shed and builds up due to irregular ovulation, this thickens the uterine lining which increases the risk of endometrial cancer.

• Obesity is associated with PCOS and can worsen complications of the disorder.


The aim is to normalise the root cause of this disease in the person, to keep a check on the physical causes and triggers and adopt natural and efficient ways to deal with the situation .


PCOS, like many disorders, responds positively to proactive lifestyle choices.

This includes exercise and daily physical movement. Both can help to reduce insulin resistance, especially when coupled with a limited intake of unhealthy carbohydrates.

Many experts agree that at least 150 minutes per week of exercise is ideal.

Daily activity, low sugar intake, and a low-inflammation diet may also lead to weight loss. Women may experience improved ovulation with weight loss, so women who are obese or overweight and want to get pregnant may find physician-approved exercise especially important.

The symptoms associated with PCOS can cause stress. Stress reduction techniques, which help calm the mind and let you connect with your body, can help. These include yoga and meditation.


Your mind is the most powerful tool you have.

Every thought you get, causes changes throughout your body.

Neutral, calming or happy thoughts have the opposite effect.

It is always a set of emotions or an emotional state that manifests itself in the form of a disease.

The key emotions that generally co-exist so as to become the root cause of PCOD are as follows.

There could be "Gender-Role-Issues." Where you may feel you are at off with your situation, family and identity as a female. You may feel victimised and considerable self-dissatisfied particularly in the realm of potency, personal power and position.

You may also tend to have an over-developed sense of being personally responsible/accountable for the welfare of those around you.

Sometimes, you may think that you have to run the whole show with inadequate personal resources and prerogatives.

You feel somewhere cut off with the world or blocked when connecting to your feminine side.

You have had periods of your life when you have had to be more masculine. Yu were often relied upon to cope up with very stressful situations.

You may have seen your mother becoming helpless in her life due to too many expectations and responsibilities as a result of challenging relationships, jealousy towards a child or not being able to cope up with her life.

You had to remain strong and a shoulder to cry on. You are confused as to what your actual role in the family should be. You have held a high level of responsibility from a very young age.

You often feel challenged by your sexuality. It feels safer to be masculine, so that side is more noticeable. You may not seem to appreciate or enjoy your natural female beauty.

You have worked to build a tough exterior for protection.

Here are ways to master the mind/body connection to tackle PCOD.

1. Relax. Relaxation is an active state of deep rest where the mind is quiet and the body is physiologically calm.

Meditation, guided visualization, body scanning and slow, diaphragmatic breathing are some of the many techniques that achieve relaxation.

2. Stop taking stress. Stress is heavily implicated in any disease. Review your life and see if you can avoid the causes of stress or change your response to them. Stop worrying about the past or future and live in the present. As that is all you can influence.

3. Express your emotions. Emotions are energy. Suppressing them takes physical effort that can cause pain.

Repressed emotions cause poor health. Suppressing emotion also keeps you stuck, unable to move past what you are avoiding. By contrast, writing in a journal or talking to someone about how you feel, and even just sitting quietly and "mindfully" to fully experience and acknowledge the feeling, all lead to feeling better both emotionally and physically.

4. Try to be cheerful. When you laugh your body produces endorphins, the body's natural healers.

5. Process your trauma. There could be a connection between earlier experiences of psychological trauma or chronic pain or illness of the past.

Our Talk therapy-Counselling sessions are based on guiding you, through finding and resolving the root cause. The main aim of our therapy is to make you realise and understand from the beginning that your identity is on the soul level and that your body and biological makeup is just a part of your physical life experience.

They not only help you unlock and resolve your emotional blocks, but are also extremely effective in relieving stress as they target and are based on the realm of the reality plane of life. Harnessing your brain to heal your emotions does transform your life!



Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat the outward symptoms of the physical disease but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility.

As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, certain medicines are available for PCOD treatment in Homoeopathy that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensation, modalities of the complaints

Commonly Indicated remedies for PCOD are:

• Pulsatilla

• Lachesis

• Calcarea Carbonica

• Kali Carbonica

• Thuja Occidentalis

• Lycopodium

• Natrum muriaticum

• Sepia

• Ferrum metallicum

• Graphites.

***However it should be noted that all homoeopathic medicines (except few external applications) can be prescribed only with specific indications and hence should be taken under medical supervision or as directed by the doctor.

Only if the homoeopathic medicine is prescribed on the basis of symptom-similarity, it gives good results.

Self-prescription in Homoeopathy or any other system of medicine should be avoided.


Diet in PCOD : Foods to be consumed

• High-fiber vegetables, such as broccoli

• Anti-inflammatory foods and spices, such as turmeric and tomatoes

• Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts

• Greens, including red leaf lettuce and arugula

• Green and red peppers

• Beans and lentils

• Almonds

• Berries

• Sweet potatoes

• Winter squash

• Pumpkin

Foods that help reduce inflammation may also be beneficial. They include:

• Tomatoes

• Kale

• Spinach

• Almonds and walnuts

• Olive oil

• Fruits, such as blueberries and strawberries

Foods to be avoided in PCOD

• Foods high in refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and muffins

• Sugary snacks and drinks

• Inflammatory foods, such as processed and red meats

• White bread

• Muffins

• Breakfast pastries

• Sugary desserts

• Anything made with white flour

Pastas made from bean or lentil flour instead of wheat flour are an excellent alternative to pasta noodles made from semolina, durum flour, or durum wheat flour as they are high in carbohydrates and low in fiber.

Sugar is a carbohydrate and should be avoided wherever possible. When reading food labels, be sure to look for sugar's various names. These include:

• Sucrose

• High fructose corn syrup

• Dextrose

• Soda and canned juices.

Try to remove inflammation-causing foods, such as fries, margarine.

Role of Water in PCOD :

• Sometimes PCOD may be caused by simple dehydration. Drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day to prevent PCOD. If you feel one coming on then sip a large glass of warm water.

You can read about the miraculous healing properties of water our following links:

• The power of positive and structured drop of water

• Unique qualities of water ,its memory and emotions.

• Understanding the beautiful structure of water

• What we know of this drop of water

• Role of water in nutrition


Practicing yoga has significant health benefits like improving anxiety, and balancing hormones, menstrual cycles and metabolic parameters . It may also help decrease testosterone levels .

At Nidhivan, we give customised yoga and exercise advice as per the need and device a module along with the therapy


B-Complex Vitamin - Vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin B12 are particularly important in optimizing hormonal balance in PCOS. These three B-vitamins help to lower inflammation by breaking down an amino acid, called homocysteine, which is commonly elevated in women with PCOS

Probiotics - Taking a probiotic supplement may also normalize your menstrual cycle, lower androgen levels (like testosterone), and improve insulin resistance

Vitamin D- Up to 85 percent of women with PCOS have a vitamin D deficiency.

Supplementing with vitamin D may improve insulin resistance, lower inflammation, and help to normalize your menstrual cycle

Examples of minerals include:

• Sodium

• Potassium

• Calcium

• Magnesium


Inositol - A vitamin-like substance also available as a supplement. Inositol occurs naturally in the human body, but is also present in many foods, particularly grains, nuts and fruit.

Inositol has a role in blood glucose control and can make body cells more sensitive to insulin.

Cinnamon- it seems to improve the way insulin works by keeping blood glucose levels in a healthier range.

Chromium - Chromium is a mineral that humans need in trace (small) amounts. It is found naturally in low doses in foods such as broccoli, green beans and potatoes.

Omega-3 fatty acids - in improving insulin sensitivity in women with PCOS.

Magnesium intake - Almonds, cashews, spinach, and bananas are PCOD-friendly foods rich in magnesium.

Turmeric - The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin. Turmeric may be promising for decreasing insulin resistance and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Zinc - Zinc is a trace element that can boost fertility and your immune system. Excessive or unwanted hair growth and alopecia may be improved.

Kindly note: all supplements and herbs should be consumed only in right proportion/dosage, under monitoring and medical supervision. Certain herbs are prohibited if there are any underlying illnesses or complications. Excess/overdosing or of any herb or supplement may prove to be detrimental .Hence Self-prescription is not advised.

At Nidhivan, we have been successfully formulating unique blends of herbs and required supplements for any particular disease condition (for ingestion as well as local application) . Our in-house proprietary blends of natural remedies have proven to be highly effective with our homeopathic medicines and other therapies.


The following essential oils have been proved effective in the treatment of PCOD

• Clary Sage essential oil

• Thyme essential oil

• Sandalwood essential oil

• Germanium essential oil

• Lavender essential oil

• Cinnamon essential oil

• Black Cumin essential oil

• Ylang Ylang essential oil

Essential oils are highly potent and are supposed to be used single or in appropriate combinations with specific proportions taking care of any underlying medical condition or allergies. Hence self-prescription should be avoided.

Along with the Homoeopathic treatment, we administer Our Proprietary blends of essential therapeutic oils. These combinations in specific proportions play an effective role in relieving Stress.


Holistic and Integrative therapies for the treatment for MENOPAUSE at NIDHIVAN

Based on this Body-Mind-Soul, a variety of treatment techniques are observed after considering the individuality of the person to assist them take their responsibility for their own well-being and achieve optimal health.

These include:

1) At the level of Body- Main therapy guided as per our unique LIFE WHEEL MODEL.

1-Homeopathic remedies which maintain the emotional, mental, physiological, and immune reactions of the person to guarantee long-lasting and permanent help.

2-Facilitated Physical detox

3- Herbal and Essential oil therapy

4-Patient education on Lifestyle changes and self-care to promote wellness.

5-Customized Diet advice

6-Customized Exercise and Yoga

2) At the level of Mind- Main therapy guided as per our unique EMOTIONAL WHEEL MODEL.

1- Facilitated Emotional Detox

2- Individual Psychotherapy at different levels to overcome the root cause of the disease

3- Mind healing therapies. (Mind Imagery and visualization)

4- Motivational Enhancement therapies

5- Empowerment counselling (taking charge of your SELF)

6- Relationship and Family integrated Counselling sessions (if needed)

(Other individual therapies by our esteemed therapists if required in a particular case)

3) At the level of Soul- Main therapy guided as per our unique SPIRITUAL WHEEL MODEL.

90% of the diseases are a result of build-up of unresolved negative emotions and pre-programming of your mind as discussed above. Your soul tries to express these unresolved negative emotions first through your thoughts and feelings. If you fail to listen to the messages that are crying out to be heard, these messages become stronger and then harder for you to ignore. They then express and manifest themselves by means of pain, discomfort or ill-health.

Along with Emotional management, Spiritual programming of your mind is a must to unwind yourself from the clutches of the negative emotions you've held so long which has ultimately led to the dis-ease.

This we achieve by means of:

1- Facilitated Spiritual Detox

2- Meditation

3- Identifying the imbalance and healing at the level of the Chakra

4- Energy healing

After-care maintenance and guidance once the goal is achieved (reversal and cure of disease)

The aim is to gain proper balance in life by achieving a permanent healing at the level of Body Mind and Soul.

We at NIDHIVAN, instead to targeting the disease or problem on the surface, aim to treat the innermost root cause of the disease, so as to achieve a permanent cure

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